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Houston Enzymes

Product Details

Image of Zyme Prime
  • Zyme Prime

    Product UPC# 898631000021

    Item# HP0207

  • Suggested Retail Price*: $38.99
  • Our Price: $26.90
  • 31% Savings*
  • Quantity
  • Supports digestion of carbohydrates and fats
  • Less dietary issues from starches in vegetables, dairy, beans and grains
  • Contains lactase for lactose intolerance
  • Alpha-galactosidase decreases gas and bloating when consuming beans and cruciferous vegetables
  • Provides mild help for proteins
  • Preserves helpful dietary fibers from premature break down (no cellulase or glucanase added)
  • New formula adds xylanase to lessen stool firming.

    New Formulation! Zyme Prime™️ now contains xylanase enzyme to lessen stool firming when fiber is added to diet.

    Zyme Prime™️ is still targeted to support the breakdown of complex carbohydrates. Zyme Prime also supports the digestive breakdown of triglyceride fats, starches, and proteins.

    While not as potent in protein breakdown as AFP Peptizyde, Zyme Prime excels at carb breakdown. This results in less dietary distress, as well as helping certain food problems such as lactose intolerance.

    Zyme Prime is helpful in easing the occasional dietary problems as lactose and fatty food intolerance.

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