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Imperial Elixir

Product Details

Image of Royal Jelly 2000
  • Royal Jelly 2000

    Product UPC# 715783387100

    Item# IE0016

  • Suggested Retail Price*: $21.95
  • Our Price: $15.20
  • 31% Savings*
  • Quantity
Imperial Elixir Royal Jelly 2000 is an easy-to-take daily capsule. The only difference between a queen and worker bee is that the queen is fed Royal Jelly, which is very rich in amino acids (the building blocks of protein), vitamins (especially B5), minerals, live enzymes and an anti-microbial known as 10-HDA. The queen goes on to lay millions of eggs and lives up to 40 times longer. Royal Jelly is one of the world's most complete concentrated natural food sources. Imperial Elixir Royal Jelly 2000 contains fresh Royal Jelly which is freeze-dried into powder, thus concentrating and preserving it.

  • Directions

    Directions: As addition to diet take 1 capsule per day with water or as a tea.

  • Ingredients

    Ingredients: 1 Capsule supplies:
    Proprietary Blend: 667 mg
    Freeze dried Royal Jelly powder. (3:1 concentration) equivalent to 2000 mg. of raw material.

    Other Ingredients: Gelatin (caps), rice powder and magnesium stearate.

    Warning: Do not take during pregnancy. Keep out of reach of children. Inform your health care practitioner when taking any supplements.

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