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Ecological Formulas

Product Details

Image of Monolaurin 300 mg
  • Monolaurin 300 mg

    Product UPC# 796859034876

    Item# LEF20009

  • Suggested Retail Price*: $19.99
  • Our Price: $18.99
  • 5% Savings*
  • Quantity
Monolaurin contains the monoester of the fatty acid lauric acid. Contains no corn, yeast, wheat, liver, citrus or other common food or chemical allergens. Manufacturing methods incorporate special delayed release properties.

  • Directions

    Directions: Take one or two capsules with meals or as directed by a physician.

  • Ingredients

    Ingredients: 1 capsule supplies:
    Monolaurin 300 mg
    Inosine 7.5 mg.
    Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate.

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