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Bach Flower Remedies (Nelsons)

Product Details

Image of Flower Essence Chestnut Bud
  • Flower Essence Chestnut Bud

    Product UPC# 741273204718

    Item# 207112

  • Suggested Retail Price*: $19.49
  • Our Price: $17.25
  • 11% Savings*
  • Quantity
Chestnut Bud (Æsculus hippocastanum) is a flower essence for individuals who fail to learn from past mistakes leading to an inability to progress in life; often fall for the same partner; continue to work in an unsuitable job; and try to forget past difficulties giving them no basis for future decisions.

  • Directions

    Directions: 2 drops in water & sip at intervals or add to 30ml mixing bottle containing still spring water. Take 4 drops a minimum of 4 times a day.

  • Ingredients

    Ingredients: Essence of Chestnut Bud (aesculus hippocastanum), Alcohol 27%.

    Warning: Keep all medicines out of reach of children. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, always consult your doctor before taking any medication. This product contains alcohol. If you are taking any other medication which is contraindicated with alcohol, consult your doctor for advice before use.

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