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Christopher's Original Formulas

Product Details

Image of Complete Tissue Ointment
  • Complete Tissue Ointment

    Product UPC# 084783340058

    Item# 491151

  • Suggested Retail Price*: $32.99
  • Our Price: $21.44
  • 35% Savings*
  • Quantity
A synergistic blend of herbs for bruises, stiff necks, sprains, and strained or sore muscles. Also known as Bone, Flesh & Cartilage or Regenerative Formula. For External Use Only.

  • Directions

    Directions:Externally: Apply liberal amounts to area needing assistance or as directed by your health care professional.
    For optimum results: Apply often to area. (up to 6 times a day or as needed.) For faster results, use the Cayenne Ointment in addition to this formula to help speed up the results. Be careful not to apply the Cayenne Ointment to sensitive areas or if the heat is too intense, use olive oil (or a high grade vegetable oil) to dilute the Cayenne Ointment via rubbing it into the overheated areas. Do not use water to try and wash it off. Water only intensifies the heat.

  • Ingredients

    Ingredients: Comfrey Root, Oak Bark, Marshmallow Root, Mullein Herb, Walnut Bark (or leaves), Gravel Root, Wormwood, Lobelia and Skullcap in an olive oil and beeswax base. Labeled for external use due to comfrey*.

    Warning: External use only. Consuming this product can cause serious liver damage. This product contains Comfrey. Comfrey contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which may cause serious illness or death. This product should not be taken orally, used as a suppository, or applied to broken skin. For futher information contact the FDA at http://www.cfsan.fda.gov.

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